Holiday Housekeeping And Holiday Planning Spreadsheet
Regular price $35.00
It's time to have your BEST Holiday Season yet...the Freedom Moms way!!
If you're tired of overcommitting, under-delivering, and just overall feeling like the holiday season is kicking your booty, then I have the PERFECT Holiday bundle for you!!
My holiday planning spreadsheets have successfully seen my family of 12 through many holidays, where we have been able to pack in every last fun activity and commitment imaginable, get the presents purchased and wrapped...and all with a little wiggle room!
These spreadsheets include the following:
- Gifts Purchasing Schedule
- Decorating/Cooking Schedule
- Calendar Commitments Schedule
- A Master List, where you fill everything out
- A Combined Calendar (so you can see at a birds-eye view what needs to be accomplished every day of the week)
- A Gift Budget Spreadsheet
You will also be receiving my Holiday Housekeeping Masterclass where I go over how to keep your home tidy during the holidays when your life is busier than ever!! These tactics work in every busy season of your life, not just the holidays!
Imagine a tidy and peaceful home and the freedom of a well-balanced schedule. It's now within reach!