361 Tiny Tasks
Regular price $11.00
You know you want to keep your home clean...
You're just not sure how to keep the mess under control or EVER get any deep cleaning done!!
Tiny Tasks are the very first step of accomplishing what feels impossible
It's time to get un-stuck, Mama!
I have a chronic illness and can only stand for a few minutes. Tiny tasks enables me to at least get a few things done and not feel completely useless. Everyone needs this but particularly us spoonies.
This is such a helpful list and so easy to get a couple of them done when I have pockets of time! I needed a list like this because so often I know things that need to be done but can't remember or think of where to start. Thanks for doing the brain work for me!
I love the list of quick easy ideas to keep me on task. I plan to laminate in keep in my kitchen, the hub of my home. Also great for quick ideas when I need to assign random jobs to kids.
What a through list! And what a great way to save myself a ton of time compiling my own! My kids now brag about completing Tiny Task #__. 😄
I was so happy to buy this on a great sale and look forward to using it to tackle less-cleaned areas of my home! :) Thanks.